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Supported form types

Moyuk automatically generates forms from your TypeScript interfaces. Here is a list of supported form field types and corresponding TypeScript types.


Provides a freeform text input.

TypeScript TypeGenerated Form Field
name: string;

The following types are interpreted as text fields by default:

  • string
  • string | undefined - Empty string is converted to undefined.
  • string | null - Empty string is converted to null.
  • "s" (string literal) - Becomes a readonly text field with the given value.

The following types also can be used as text fields with form customizations:

  • string[] - Becomes a multi-line text field.


Provides a numeric input.

TypeScript TypeGenerated Form Field
value: number;

The following types generate number fields:

  • number - Does not allow empty input.
  • number | undefined - Empty string is converted to undefined.
  • number | null - Empty string is converted to null.
  • 1 (number literal) - Becomes a readonly text field with the given value.

Moyuk does not support bigint type yet.


Provides a checkbox.

TypeScript TypeGenerated Form Field
upperCase: boolean;

The following types generate checkbox fields:

  • boolean
  • boolean | undefined - Unchecked state is interpreted as undefined.
  • boolean | null - Unchecked state is interpreted as null.


Provides a select input.

TypeScript TypeGenerated Form Field
theme: "light" | "dark"

The following types generate select fields:

  • "red" | "green" | "blue" (union of string literals) - Becomes a select with the given options.
  • "red" | "green" | undefined (union of string literals or undefined) - Becomes a select with the given options and an empty option.
  • 1 | 2 | 3 (union of number literals) - Becomes a select with the given options.
  • 1 | 2 | undefined (union of number literals or undefined) - Becomes a select with the given options and an empty option.


Provides a date input. The default date format is automatically determined by the user's locale.

TypeScript TypeGenerated Form Field
date: Date;

The following types generate date fields:

  • Date - Does not allow empty input.
  • Date | undefined - Empty string is converted to undefined.
  • Date | null - Empty string is converted to null.

The following types also can be used as date fields with form customizations:

  • string
  • string | undefined - Empty string is converted to undefined.
  • string | null - Empty string is converted to null.


Provides a date and time input. The default datetime format is automatically determined by the user's locale.

TypeScript TypeGenerated Form Field
datetime: Date;

The following types can be used as datetime fields with form customizations:

  • Date - Does not allow empty input.
  • Date | undefined - Empty string is converted to undefined.
  • Date | null - Empty string is converted to null.
  • string
  • string | undefined - Empty string is converted to undefined.
  • string | null - Empty string is converted to null.


Provides a time input. The default time format is automatically determined by the user's locale.

TypeScript TypeGenerated Form Field
time: string;

The following types can be used as time fields with form customizations:

  • Date - Does not allow empty input.
  • Date | undefined - Empty string is converted to undefined.
  • Date | null - Empty string is converted to null.
  • string
  • string | undefined - Empty string is converted to undefined.
  • string | null - Empty string is converted to null.


Provides a tags input.

TypeScript TypeGenerated Form Field
tags: Set<string>

The following types generate tags fields:

  • Set<string>
  • Set<string> | undefined - undefined if no tags are entered.
  • Set<string> | null - null if no tags are entered.
  • Set<number>
  • Set<"red" | "green" | "blue"> (Set of string literals) - Becomes a tags input with the given options.


Provides a spreadsheet-like data table with infinite number of rows and fixed number of columns.

TypeScript TypeGenerated Form Field
values: { name: string, age: number }[]

The following types generate record-table fields by default:

  • { name: string, age: number }[] (array of object literals) - Becomes a table with columns for each property.
  • [string, number][] (array of tuples) - Becomes a table with columns for each tuple element.
  • string[] (Array) - Becomes a table with a single column.
  • Set<string> (Set) - Becomes a table with a single column.
  • Map<string, number> (Map) - Becomes a table with 2 columns: key and value.

You can also use tuples instead of arrays to specify the number of rows.


Provides a spreadsheet-like data table with infinite number of rows and columns.

TypeScript TypeGenerated Form Field
values: string[][]

Any array of arrays with following types generate flex-table fields:

  • string (or string literal)
  • number (or number literal)
  • boolean (or boolean literal)
  • undefined
  • null
  • Date
  • RegExp

You can also use tuples instead of arrays to specify the number of columns and rows.


Provides a file input / output.

TypeScript TypeGenerated Form Field
files: File[]

The following types generate file fields:

  • File - Does not allow empty input.
  • Blob - Does not allow empty input.
  • File | undefined - undefined if no file is selected.
  • File[] - Multiple files can be selected.
  • [File, File?, File?] - 1 to 3 files can be selected.
  • [File, ...File[]] - At least 1 file must be selected.